Your own whisky

Look at you! You've only gone and found the greatest website you're likely to see*!

* today... that's about Scotch whisky — says us!

It's a skoosh!

Obviously, becoming a world-renowned whisky blender takes years of practice, copious amounts of studying, a vast knowledge of the spirit, and a chunk of investment. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun!

Step 1

Blend it

Simply create your blend by filling the empty bottle with whisky from the 5 options available. Each whisky is described in terms of flavour and from this you decide which ones you'd like to use.

Step 2

Name it

Once your bottle is full you have to give it a name for us to print onto your label. Seriously though, go to town with the name. We have an award-winning bottle called Yer Aunt Fanny's.

Step 3

Own it

All that's left is to declare this blend YOURS, save it into our growing database of thousands, and then buy it (or ask someone else to buy it for you)! And enjoy whisky like it's supposed to be enjoyed. With good friends and banter.