Doctors' Special

  • Blended Scotch Whisky
  • 500ml / 200ml
  • 46% abv
  • Doctors' Special blended scotch whisky bottle image
  • Doctors' Special blended scotch whisky label close up image
  • Doctors' Special blended scotch whisky label close up showing batch number 001
  • Doctors' Special blended scotch whisky label close up image
  • Doctors' Special blended scotch whisky label
  • Doctors' Special blended scotch whisky label close up image showing "The absolute fannies of fine Scotch whiskies"

IMPORTANT! Unwind and indulge in a playful sip of Doctors' Special, the scotch whisky that's sure to cure the monotony in your day. Let the smooth, rich flavours and playful spirit take over - this is one prescription you'll happily follow.

Rich, sweet, and heavily peated (smoky) - if you don't like Islay whisky it's not for you! 

Batch #001

Bottle size
