
  • Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
  • 500ml
  • 46% abv
  • Scotsman
  • Scotsman
  • Scotsman

Rex Whistler, born in 1905, was talented British illustrator, designer and painter. Unfortunately, his life was interrupted by the Second World War and the artist died in Normandy on 18 July 1944.

His most amusing, disturbing and “grotesque” work, which he called “Reversible Faces,” was a series of upside-down and right-side-up portraits which were published the year of his death.

This particular piece called, "Scotsman & Englishman", inspired us to create this pair of charming bottlings; each with the exact same label, just applied in two different directions.

The whisky is full of creamy, delicious, maltiness. With notes of leather and beeswax with a hint of fresh apples.

Bottle size
